Thursday, June 17, 2010

80% alkaline forming foods and only 20% acid forming

** To live healthily! chose your eating habit! starts with changing your thinking first ! **

Why is there such confusion in food PH values? It's because there are 2 different ways to measure it. One way is to measure a food's PH value before we eat it. The second way is to measure a food's PH value after we eat it. There are websites that contain each of these values. And these values are NOT the same- they are totally different. That's where part of the confusion comes into play. In this web page I deal with a food's PH value after we eat it. The food industry term for this is PH FORMING foods. For instance, the PH value for an orange before we eat it is acidic, however, after we eat it- it turns alkaline in our body.

PH in chemistry stands for "potential of hydrogen." What is that? It's the measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 with 14 being the most alkaline, while 0 is the most acidic. Water is neutral and our blood is mostly water. God created our blood to have a PH of 7.0 which is neutral. The goal for each person should be to eat the right kinds of foods to maintain a healthy pH of 7.4 or higher of their blood.

Click here to read more!

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