Saturday, November 28, 2009


Organic farmer have to be careful with organic fertilizer available in the market. It may contained prohibited organic substances and heavy metal!

Below are some of the references :
  1. News published by RODALE INSTITUTE (Leader in organic solutions since 1947) :
    Organic fertilizer may be organic, or it might be a residual suprise .................Under Association of American Plant Food Control Officials definitions the word "organic" has more to do with organic chemistry (presence of carbon) then with organic agriculture. It allows use of the word "organic" on fertilizer that may contain urea, sewage sludge (biosolids) and other substances prohibited under US Organic Program regulations............

  2. Journal Article from SpringerLink:
    Heavy metal contaminants in inorganic and organic fertilizers
    Increased concern about the entry of various heavy metals into the human food chain has occurred in recent years, and all aspects of agricultural production and food processing are being examined. Cadmium (Cd) is the heavy metal of most interest because potentially
    it may be harmful to human health. Therefore, we are giving more attention to its avenues of entry into the human food chain. Among these avenues is the Cd component of P fertilizers and sewage biosolids applied to agricultural lands. While animal manures
    also contain Cd and other heavy metals......

  3. Article from The Organic Consumers Association (online NPO for health, justice, and sustainability in the US on promoting the views and interests of the organic and socially responsible consumers)
    Organic Fertilizer or Toxic Sludge?
    .... Unfortunately, however, GMOs, irradiated foods, and sewage sludge - although banned under National Organic Standards - have fast become the norm in industrial agriculture and conventional food processing. If you read the essays and news articles on this page, you'll understand why OCA is concerned and alarmed about sewage sludge, and why we're determined to replace sludge with truly organic composting practices. OCA will be educating and mobilizing its national network and calling on federal and state governments to classify sewage sludge as hazardous waste, to ban its application on farms and ranches, and stop allowing sludge companies to market it as "organic" fertilizer. As an alternative to sewage sludge and polluting and climate destabilizing chemical fertilizers, OCA is determined to make safe, productive, greenhouse gas-sequestering organic composting the norm in US and global agriculture and gardening, and not simply the green alternative.

LIFE LIGHT, KIKUCHI LIGHT & ORGANIC LIGHT are safe for organic farming.

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